eCommerce Website Blog

  • Tips On Reducing Your Hosting Costs
    Learn how to better manage and reduce your hosting costs, email and domain fees. We share 5 ideas to get you started!
    Posted: Friday 1 June 2018
  • How to Make a Website Load Faster
    Is your website going slow? Learn how to speed your website up so that you don't lose visitors. The best possible performance you can expect on a website, is to load in less than 2 seconds. If your page takes longer than 2 seconds, then you have a problem. We'll share with you easy ways in which you can make your website load faster
    Posted: Saturday 12 May 2018
  • You spend a lot of time and effort creating great content on your web pages. This can be lost if you don't have a meta description written which is enticing, contains the correct number of characters and includes a call to action. We discuss the best practice on how to write a great meta description and why they are such an important meta tag.
    Posted: Thursday 10 May 2018
  • Learn what web page meta tags are and how to enter them in your CMS to improve your website's SEO.
    Posted: Monday 30 April 2018
  • From the 25 May 2018, Europe's General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR comes into force. It's aim is to improve the privacy of European citizens by requiring businesses who operate within Europe to protect the information they have of EU citizens. We explain what you need to consider doing about the GPDR on your website.
    Posted: Monday 30 April 2018
  • Your eCommerce website exists to sell your products online, as well as building up your brand's authority. Ideally you want them to purchase your products on your site now, not after searching online for alternatives. After all, once they leave your site, they may not come back! Today we're discussing the reasons why people buy things, plus share ways you can help them decide to purchase from your website faster.
    Posted: Tuesday 24 April 2018
  • Guide to Using Images on Your Website
    Images are fantastic tools to use on your website. Not only do they make it more attractive, encouraging visitors to stay for longer, but they also help to increase your site conversion rates. In this article we explain how to optimise and load images correctly to your website.
    Posted: Thursday 19 April 2018
  • We can now import websites from most other CMS and shopping platforms, maintaining perfect SEO link juice and full replication of the existing template and content.
    Posted: Wednesday 28 March 2018 , 3 Comments
  • One of the key areas eCommerce website owners monitor is the amount of online sales they make. While this number can vary depending on seasonal changes, SEO or the products you sell, there are things you can do to increase website sales. Let's check them out!
    Posted: Friday 23 March 2018
  • We have been working hard on some new import wizards, to speed up the laborious task of importing a website from a different website platform. That process has now just got a whole lot easier.
    Posted: Friday 16 March 2018
  • There's often a lot of confusion about what a landing page is. The truth is, a landing page is a page you have specifically created for a set purpose and which you direct a set audience to. While any page on your website could be called a landing page, digital marketers refer to a landing page as being a standalone page with one focused objective - your call to action.
    Posted: Thursday 15 March 2018
  • Are sales through your eCommerce store not doing as well as you'd like them to be? We've put together this collection of tips to help you easily increase online sales through your website.
    Posted: Saturday 10 March 2018
  • Anyone having trouble logging into email via Thunderbird? You have a mis configuration, and it needs to be fixed on your email client.
    Posted: Friday 2 March 2018
  • SEO and Google Ads are two types major players when it comes to website SEO. We will discuss what each of them are and offer, plus how to pick the right option for your business website promotion.
    Posted: Thursday 22 February 2018
  • Sales funnels are a great tool every website owner should learn to create and use. We discuss what a sales funnel is, why you would need one and give you a step by step guide on how to create one. Start your sales funnels here!
    Posted: Monday 12 February 2018
  • Each year Website Builder donates over $15,000 to our favourite charities, the Fred Hollows Foundation and Oxfam. 2017 was no exception, because as a New Zealand owned business, we believe that this money is better spent helping others than sending our customers Christmas cards.
    Posted: Thursday 7 December 2017
  • There’s more to website colours than just picking ones you like. In fact, the very colours you use (or don’t use) can help increase website conversions. With plenty of research having been done regarding the psychology of colour within websites, it pays to ensure you are aware of the facts before you start designing your website.
    Posted: Monday 6 November 2017
  • Learn about the retirement of our free DNS service. Free DNS is provided for all websites and email accounts hosted with Website World, however customers will need to purchase a DNS hosting account if they want to have an email or web hosting service located elsewhere.
    Posted: Thursday 26 October 2017
  • A great website does wonders for your business. It’s the place search engines send visitors to, where you build your brand awareness and sell your products or services. As you start to build your website, you’ll need to think about the pages to add to your website. Then comes the harder question: what do you put on them? Today we’ll discuss the five most essential pages a website needs, with a quick run through of what to include on them.
    Posted: Tuesday 19 September 2017
  • As the old saying goes, a picture can tell a thousand words. Great website photography will surely be worth a million! We'll discuss what makes a great website photo, give you some tips on taking those photos and share some great sizes for website photos.
    Posted: Thursday 17 August 2017

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