eCommerce Website Blog: Tag: social media

  • Discover the importance of local SEO and how to use it on your website.
    Posted: Friday 19 July 2024
  • We look at how you can increase your social media referral traffic, and once there, how to turn this traffic into sales on your website.
    Posted: Friday 24 January 2020
  • Knowing which social media platforms are the most popular with New Zealander's, helps businesses know which social channels they should be using. In this article, we will share details on the leading social networks, and information on how to choose the right ones for your business.
    Posted: Friday 15 February 2019
  • So you want to learn how to use Pinterest for your business? Read on, because we've created the most comprehensive guide for NZ businesses on how to use and master this visual social media platform.
    Posted: Monday 21 January 2019
  • If you're new to the world of Instagram, then this article is for you! We explain what Instagram is, why your business needs to be on it and how to use it effectively to drive traffic to your website.
    Posted: Thursday 22 November 2018
  • How to Add a Newsletter Sign Up Form to Facebook
    Facebook gives you the ability to have a tab on your Facebook page which links directly through to your website to collect email addresses. Learn here how to set that up.
    Posted: Friday 8 June 2018
  • Finding great content can be tricky, which is why many businesses create their content to share on Facebook and other social media sites. But if you are not feeling creative, here are 8 places where you can find ideas for your Facebook or
    Instagram pages.
    Posted: Tuesday 15 November 2016
  • Graphics play a huge role in social media with up to 60% of all social media posts made up of pictures (Kim Garst). With that staggering figure, if you are posting more text than graphics, your messages are likely to get lost amongst all of the other posts demanding your audience’s attention.
    Posted: Thursday 15 September 2016
  • YouTube was the brainchild of three former PayPal employees during 2005 and then it was sold to Google in 2006. It remains a part of Google’s empire and with over 4 billion videos watched every day, it is a great way to get your business out there and noticed by your target audience. It is one of the top three most powerful search engines along with Google and Facebook and is often overlooked by businesses when choosing where to run their marketing campaigns.
    Posted: Monday 15 August 2016
  • Everybody loves a Facebook giveaway, except Facebook when you get it wrong. No longer is hosting a giveaway as simple as having a prize and giving it away to a winner because there are specific rules you need to follow to prevent your giveaway being shut down.
    Posted: Friday 8 April 2016
  • So someone has posted something negative on your business Facebook page? Rather than panicking, deleting the comment or hiding in a cupboard, take the time to turn what could be a PR disaster into building some positive publicity instead. A complaint dealt with professionally, respectively and which provides a solution to the problem can do wonders for your business.
    Posted: Tuesday 8 March 2016
  • Facebook engagement has always been around, but has become more important recently because it is one way to increase the number of people who see your posts, without you paying to promote them. Facebook is now deliberately showing less of your business posts to your fans and using the engagement rate on each of your posts to choose which posts they push through and which they don’t.
    Posted: Monday 8 February 2016