Where To Find Great Social Media Content

Social media is a fabulous way to get the word out about your business, but the majority of what you post should not be related to your business. Instead it needs to be ‘social’ in a way and engage and entertain your audience. 

Finding great content to post on your accounts can be tricky, which is why many businesses create their own content to share on Facebook and other social media sites. But if you are not feeling creative, where should you look? We've got a list of places to find social media content for you to check out. 

Best Places to Find Content for Social Media

Original and tailored content is always best, but sometimes the time, creativity and motivation needed to create it just aren't there. That's when sharing existing content in your posts is useful. Here's our list of the best places to find content to share on social media are:

  • Pinterest - Pinterest is a website bursting full of visual ideas to share with your fans. Using their search feature, you can find images which would interest your audience and then follow the Boards created by others. As people update their Boards often, they can be a great source of new inspiration.
  • Your blog - Creating your own content via blogging is a fabulous way of getting traffic to your website. Rather than waiting for Google to find it, share it on social media yourself and get the traffic rolling to you.
  • Scoop.it - Scoop.it is a giant content curation search engine which you can sign up to for free. Once you are logged in you can enter in some keywords and it will show you a large range of content suitable for sharing on your social network. They also have a paid feature where it will let you post that content directly to your social accounts.
  • YouTube - Video gets a great result on social media, so use YouTube to find new and interesting content to engage your audience.
  • Reddit - Reddit has an enormous audience who continually load new content onto the site. Although it can be tricky to navigate the subreddits or topic pages, there are plenty of new content ideas to be found here.
  • Google Alerts - If you sign up to Google Alerts, it will email you recent content which has been posted online related to your chosen keywords. This is a great way of keeping up to date ahead of others about what is happening in your business niche and sharing it with your audience first.
  • BizSugar - Small businesses will find BizSugar great when looking for any business related content and as it is arranged by topic and popularity, it is easy to navigate too.
  • Buzzsumo - a great search engine which helps you find popular social media content using categories, dates and keywords.
  • Twitter - use Twitter to search for specific hashtags, and you'll find this brings up memes and news items.
  • Networking groups - what questions and topics are members chatting about? Check out the free NZ only group Business Networking NZ for ideas.
  • Customer, client, product and service questions - what questions have you been asked before? Share those and the answers on social media so everyone can benefit.
  • Your competition - check out what your competition are posting on social media and on their website. We're not suggesting you copy it, but it can give you some ideas on what you could be using.

Once you have your new social media content, remember that displaying it for your audience in an attractive and eye catching graphic is just as important, so don’t forget to read our blog about how you can create amazing graphics for Facebook too. 

Tags: social media  

Posted: Tuesday 15 November 2016


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