Andrews latest work for "Beautiful Manukau" and a sub site "Brand it competition", using large rich images in a stacked layout.
We have made it easier to understand and switch content editor modes. In the top right corner of the our content editors, you can choose between
Each editor was developed by different open source communities, or purchased under license. Each editor has it's pro's and con's. We have attempted to make each editor use our standard image wizard and link wizard, so that there is consistency in those items. The link wizard and image wizards now popup faster when editing a new link or placeholder image in the drag and drop editor.
You will note all editors now make maximum use of a screen realestate. A new maximise button will give you even more screen real estate when working on lower resolution screens.
When changing modes, it attempts to determine if changes have not been saved. And removes the annoying popup message. Sometimes certain content will always say it hasn't been saved even if it has, this is due to the editor making subtle code cleaning changes to your underlying HTML code, or treating whitespace differently. After a few saves, that issue should go away.
We all agreed that Precious Bambinos did a great job of designing their own website, using a simply layout, a clean banner, and custom font. Well done!
We've made sweeping changes through our online CMS to make it easier for you to do the things you do every day.
We have updated all our forms to the latest version of Google's anti spam reCaptcha human prompt. The latest version includes a simple tick box to prove you are not a robot. In many cases, ticking the box is enough. Or if not, google may popup some images for the user to select and prove they are human. This human proof feature is more user friendly that the previous item where you had to type words from an unintelligible picture.
We also have some other robot detection features. If you don't opt in to use google captcha on our forms, then we do our best to block known robots. If we suspect anyone is a robot, due to the use of posting URL's in the content of the form post, then we will present the google recpatcha prompt anyhow, thus allowing a real human to prove themselves.
Recaptcha is required on all form file upload posts, and in forums, and password reminder areas. That's because these features are targets for bad robots.
Once again, all our website builder powered websites had 100% up time in January and February. Really happy with that.
Previous order counts are now displayed in the footer of merchant copies of orders/invoices.
When sending a newsletter, you can now include POINTS_SUMMARY in side square tags if you want to remind your users how many points they have. It includes a link for them to auto login and redeem those points. But only displays if the user has any points to begin with.
All shopping sites powered by, are automatically able to provide a price feed to You can find the price spy feed URL in our shopping API area. Promoting via price spy is great if you have unique products, or the best priced products.
Learn how to create your own annoying popup subscribe boxes.
You can now hide email and URL addresses from your contact page. We advise keeping your email address public as it is more customer friendly for your visitors to use their own email software to email you. Not everyone likes using forms and entering captcha boxes. Although you make think hiding your email will keep spam away, you can be fairly sure that the spammers will get your email address one way or the other, and most of that type of spam is blocked in any case.
All product pages of all websites have been updated to be compatible with Google Rich Snippets for products. Learn More
We have design consultants from all over who can take your website to the next level. All Web Designers are independent businesses who will consult and bill you directly for their time.
If you require personalised training, please contact one of our consultants, who are based all over. Several consultants also provide over the phone and web based training at a scheduled time.
We would encourage all customers to get at least one hour of training at the early stages of building their website, and one more review prior to going live, just to give your website that professional critique, and quick tidy up of the rough bits.
Training topics include:
How to use website builder and shopping cart
How to design websites
How to crop and tidy up photos
How to optimise to get your website higher on google and other search engines
How to setup a facebook page, or other social media account
How to send newsletters
How to use any other feature we offer.
Caching speeds up your computer, but it also causes confusion when viewing changes to your website. Every web master needs to become familiar with this concept. Almost a third of all our support tickets relate to mis understandings about caching. We can't change the nature of the internet, we only educate.
We have teamed up with the awesome 2talk team to offer you some great broadband options. If you have become disgruntled with your current isp, now is the time to get a great bundled broadband offering.
Do you need an 0800 number for your business? We think 2talk provide a really awesome service, and it's who we use. For example, you have an 0800 number call your landline first, then your mobile, then your 2IC's mobile to ensure that somone will take the call. Their rates are cheap, and all the value added services can be managed via a web page control panel, so you don't need to wait on hold for any call centers. You can manage your lines fully yourself.
Did you know that if you refer a friend to use our awesome website builder service, you get a 25% discount off your hosting? If you refer 4 friends, then you will essentially get your web hosting for free! Not only that, but your friends will also get their 2nd month web hosting absolutely free. That's a nice little encouragement for them to check our service out and gives us the opportunity to setup your discount. Both discounts apply for your 2nd and subsequent websites also. It doesn't matter if it is yours, a friend, family or a stranger. Discounts begin once both websites are live. Please make sure you or your friend communicates the referral at the earliest opportunity.
We have an awesome new offer for web designers and awesome business networkers. We can setup any web designer who is interested with all they need to get started as a web designer at no cost:
There are several places you can find answers to questions about how to build your website and add features (which, there are a lot of) and its free for you to look:
If you can't find the answer you need - then get you can Contact - Web Designers or lodge a Support ticket - Cleans word docs for CMS Editor
GoogleFonts - Online Web Fonts - A social networking Pin Board - online photo editor - online photo editor - online form builder - NZ Wide IT Nerds - NZ Wide IT Geeks - absolutely the best way to install new software on a new computer - cheaper VOIP calling and 0800 incoming call routing
All those links and more at our new toolbox page:
Here's a selection of some of our recent Go Lives.
Please contact us for more information.
From the Team @ Web Widgets Ltd
Website World - Free Website Builder
Posted: Tue 15 Mar 2016