Domain Registration

Search for a new domain name to register. Popular suffixes include .nz,,, .com, but there are also hundreds of other potential suffixes including .world, .space, .online etc. Domains ending in your countries name will rank better for domestic google searches. 

TIP: Existing users should first login to the CMS, and register their domain name linked to a webspace.

Domain Registration Pricing

 Domain Suffixes NZ$ / AU$ Euro UK  US$

.com .nz .au .uk 

$ 47+gst / year 

$ 33+gst / year

€ 29 / year 

€ 19 / year
£ 29 / year 

£19 / year
$ 30 / year 

$ 20 / year

 All other suffixes

Search by domain and country for price, Prices start from as little as $16.50 per year

Domain Renewal Pricing

    Domain renewals remain at the discounted registration price for customers who host their websites with us.
    Customers who do not host their websites with us, pay the full RRP domain price, eg NZ$47 / year+gst. (as per the crossed out prices above)
    Some domains are more expensive and have minimum terms, please attempt registration of your domain for clarification of the registration cost.

    Our Services include: 

    • FREE DNS All domains now include free DNS zone management for customers who manage their own zone via our console.

    • FREE PARKING: All domain names are parked for free. Only web hosting fees apply when you 'Go Live'.
    • FREE WEBSITE BUILDER: All domain registrations include access to a free website builder to build your own website. (Hosting fees apply when you make your website live)

    Selecting the right domain name

    You should normally pick a domain name that closely resembles your company name. Short and easy to remember domains are preferable, eg use your company initials, or abrieviated alias. Leave the "Ltd"  part off. If you are mainly selling to a domestic market, use a suffix like .nz for New Zealand.

    If your target market is specifically foreign, register a .com .net or .biz address.

    You can purchase more than 1 address for a website, however, it achieves little in the search engines.  Search engine will tend to favour your primary name, and will ignore the others. Having more addresses is really only good for managing common mis spellings, or common aliases for your company name that people may enter directly into their address bar.

    It is a good idea not to impinge on someone elses trademark. Use this great NZ government website link to search trademarks, domains and companies office in one single search: 

    Any other Fees?

    Web hosting is the only other fee you will pay. Hosting fees are as little as $25 per month. 

    If you only require email, we have an email only hosting plan that includes 1 free webpage, for just $7 a month. 

    A DNS only hosting fee applies to customers who require a custom DNS configuration to make their website and email operational elsewhere, or to make a URL redirection live. This DNS hosting plan gives you access to lower domain renewal prices. If you have more than 2 domains, we recommend using our DNS hosting plan. Or for single domains, just pay the standard domain renewal price.

    If you cannot configure your DNS yourself, we also charge $40+gst support fee per request to configure your DNS for you, or to review a DNS configuration and fix any errors. If you want it done right, please be prepared to pay a free for our technical consultancy time. 

    It is free to request a UDAI or Authorisation Code for transfer to a new registry provider. 

    It is free to select a different authorised name servers on your whois record. eg ns1, ns2

    How long does it take?

    If you have a prepaid account balance or pay by credit card or paypal, or PoliPay, your domain registration will be completed immediately.

    If you pay by online banking, your registration won't complete until the next business day. 

    If you pay by cheque, your registration won't be completed until we receive your cheque. 

    You will receive an email with your UDAI to confirm successful registration.


    What if my country's suffix is missing?

    We can only register for a limited number of countries/suffixes, or the process is more complicated/expensive in the missing countries. 

    You can use any domain registry, you don't have to use us. You can choose to point your A-Record or Nameservers at ours. 


    Old International Domain Service

    If you are looking for our old international domain service, you can find it here. Please note that we can now sell all these domains direct.


    Free Domain Offer

    Check out our partner site: free .nz domain name registration offer.


    Terms and Conditions

    Email services are only provided with live web hosting plans. An email plan costs $8 a month (or $88 a year) and includes 1 free webpage. 

    View our domain registration terms and conditions


    Learn more about domain names, how to renewals, transfer etc

    More domain solutions in the Domains FAQ here

    Watch a Video Walk Through